The ecommerce web server provider you choose to use has a colossal impact on the success of your website. You need to pick a web host with care, especially when it comes to web hosting e-commerce platforms.
Below, we are going to take a look at some of the issues associated with not selecting the right web host and the negative impact that this can have on your e-store.
Lack of security
One of the main problems people find with a web host provider is poor security. Security is an important component of e-commerce websites in particular. How do you expect people to purchase goods from your website if they do not trust your business? There needs to be security measures and trust signals in place.
Those who enter your website need to be safe in the knowledge that every transaction will be secure. People are skeptical of e-commerce, especially considering the frequent reports of online scams. The importance of ensuring that all cardholder data is kept secure cannot be stressed enough.
You may be wondering what your web host has to do with security. Well, from poor backups to easy security breaches, there are a whole host of issues that plague websites hosted by poor-quality providers.
In addition to having good security measures in place, you need to display that your website offers a high level of security too. The necessary logos and information need to be provided, as well as the bank click safe methods during transactions.
Slow website
Your website needs to load quickly. View this from the eyes of a potential customer. They enter your website with the goal of purchasing a product. The home page takes a long time to load, they then click the product page, which again has a long loading time.
Are they really going to go through this lengthy process for each individual product, the shopping basket, the checkout and the payment options? It is highly unlikely. Instead, they will simply take their business elsewhere.
A slow website is one of the main contributing factors to a high bounce rate, which can really hurt SEO. The likes of can provide further insight into this. If you want to order professional SEO services Calgary and all over Canada you can always contact Effortless Marketing. The hosting provider you choose to use dictates how quickly your site will load. You need to have a server that is substantial enough for the data on your website.
Lots of downtime
And finally, you need to make sure you opt for a hosting provider that offers your business 24-hour support.
You need your products to be available for purchase at all times. Nowadays, considering the fast pace of the Internet and the way things get picked up by social media outlets, one hour of your e-commerce website being down can result in the loss of significant customers and a full running commentary of complaints on Twitter.
The web host in question needs to give you thorough support to ensure the smooth day-to-day running of your website. If something goes wrong or your website is not working, you want to know that you can simply hop onto live chat and it will be fixed quickly.