If you think that just because the fall is giving way to winter that you have to stop enjoying pumpkin flavoured anything, we are here to say, no you don’t! Megan Fisher, AKA That Girl with Pink Nails shared her recipe for these delicious Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake Bars with us. Enjoy these delicious cheesecake bars throughout the holidays. You will be the hostess with the mostess. Pumpkin is always festive and why not enjoy this delicious cheesecake bars year round?
● 2 cups graham cracker crumbs
● ¼ cup sugar
● 8 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
● 1¼ cups pumpkin puree
● 1½ teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
● 1½ teaspoons cinnamon
● 1 tablespoon flour
● 3 packages of Tre Stelle Original Cream Cheese
● 1⅔ cups sugar
● 1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
● ½ cup full fat sour cream
● ⅛ teaspoon salt
● 3 large eggs
1. Preheat oven to 350°F
2. Line a baking tin with parchment paper
3. Mix graham cracker crumbs, ¼ cup sugar, and melted butter and stir until combined.
4. Press crust mixture into bottom of the baking tin into an even layer (use back of a measuring
5. Bake crust for 15 minutes until golden brown and place on wire rack to cool
6. In a large bowl, whisk pumpkin puree, spices, and flour. Set aside.
7. In another bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar together in a mixer until smooth.
8. Add in vanilla, sour cream, and salt, and beat until combined.
9. Beat in the eggs 1 at a time
10. Add 1½ cups of the cream cheese mixture to pumpkin mixture, stirring until combined.
11. Set aside ½ cup of cream cheese mixture and pour the rest over the baked crust using a spatula to smooth evenly
12. Pour pumpkin mixture over the cream cheese mixture using a spatula to smooth evenly
13. Using the set side ½ cup of cream cheese mixture, use a small spoon to place dollops evenly across the pumpkin layer
14. Swirl the batters together for a marbled
15. Bake for 45 minutes
16. Let it cool completely then refrigerator overnight
17. Cut into bars the next day and voila!