The relationship between work and home life is perhaps the healthiest it’s been in decades. The rise in telecommuting, otherwise known as remote working, has seen job satisfaction and mental wellbeing increase as people gain more control and flexibility over their free time.
However, modern working programmes are a double-edged sword. Balancing a professional role and home responsibilities can prove difficult for the modern woman, especially where young children or growing families are involved. With work, household chores and play increasingly taking place in the same four walls, something has to change. So, how can you effectively balance your work life and your home life in the modern age?
Manage Your Time First
For starters, it is easy for your job and your personal life to blend into one when both happen largely in your home. Even with a separate space in which to work, the lines are blurred when you’re sneaking on a washing load between video calls – or worse, checking your emails on the sofa late on in the evening. The most effective way to counter the creep of work into your personal life is to get serious about your time management.
Keeping a schedule means you can allocate specific chunks of time to each task you’d like to do, and keep those tasks separate from one another. Feel like you have no time for a morning beauty regime? Plan out an hour in your morning to allow for just that. Confine your work to specific hours of the day and stop yourself from checking on work outside of those hours. Finding ways to break up your responsibilities into smaller chunks can also help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed; to-do lists are an excellent crib sheet for keeping track of tasks and breaking work down.
Know When to Take a Break

Just as important as planning out when to work is knowing when to take a load off. Planning little five- or ten-minute breaks in as regular parts of your day is a good habit to make; try to fill them with quick and enjoyable things to do, whether hobbies like yoga/meditation, podcasts, TV shows or games like online slots. Especially since the digitalization of online casino games, it’s now possible to play games with very fast payouts, meaning that you can try a spin or two before cashing out quickly and returning to your work. Once upon a time, playing a game meant making a solid time commitment, so this progression definitely works in favour of the average busy, modern-day woman. Alternatively, crafty hobbies like knitting or needlepoint are easy to pick up and put down.
Burnout is a very real phenomenon, and housekeeping is just as likely to bring it on as any professional responsibility. As such, breaks are just as important to moderating your lifestyle outside of work. Holding down a house with a partner and children is tough; without some serious me-time between picking up after little ones and cooking, burnout is a certainty. Again, time set aside just for you can make all the difference, even it if is just half an hour with a good book or watching some of your favourite shows.
Even with the trappings of a modern, digital world, it seems we’re the busiest we’ve ever been. Managing a new kind of lifestyle doesn’t need to be a stressful experience, though. With the right approach, you’ll still have the time and energy for the life you want to lead, whether cultivating family or enjoying the nightlife with your pals.