In recent years, the JetPeel facial has gained popularity within the beauty industry. This treatment consists of deeply cleansing the skin by exfoliating it before treating it with infusions. The JetPeel facial uses a process of fine droplets propelled at high speed, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate deep through the dermis. The result? Luminous, healthy and plumped skin! No wonder Jennifer Aniston and many other celebs are fans of the treatment.
We had the chance to test this famous treatment at the St. James spa located in the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Montreal. This spa is known for offering state-of-the-art treatments in a warm and sophisticated environment. JetPeel is excellent for treating acne or signs of aging through exfoliation and its ability to stimulate collagen production. The treatment itself is not particularly relaxing, although it is also not painful. Some people manage to fall asleep during the treatment, but as the jets are quite powerful, I felt the application throughout the treatment, not letting it be particularly relaxing. However, the Jet Peel is not unpleasant at all, and the results are astounding!
During our treatment, the technician kindly took the time to analyze my skin to make sure that it uses the right active ingredients, because all of our needs are different. Then, the treatment lasted about 45 minutes and was done gently. When I came out, I couldn’t help but notice that my skin seemed refreshed, clean and above all well hydrated. The technician also told me that my skin would absorb our skincare even better at home during the following week.
It is recommended to do the JetPeel first in to properly treat and cleanse the skin through several treatments spread over a few weeks and then continue at the rate of one treatment per season.
Generally, the JetPeel treatment can vary from $350 to $575 depending on the needs.
The treatment is offered at Spa St.James in Montreal and other locations.
For more details, visit the website.