Being absorbed by the materialistic side of the holidays is normal, and the focus for many is to treat your friends and family. However, there are many ways to give back after the holiday madness has died down. Good deeds are always needed, not just for one month out of twelve. Here are a few ideas for how you can give back in the New Year!
Volunteer at a food bank
Food banks are extremely busy during the Holiday Season, and there are no shortage of volunteers for many. However, with many volunteers either going back to school or work – these community centres still need help! If you don’t have the time to volunteer, donate either money or any canned goods you won’t be needing.
Donate your old clothes
With new presents (especially clothes!) a lot of your older ones may be left aside and not be worn as much. If you feel like you have accumulated too many clothes or will not be wearing certain items, simply donate them to a local shelter! Especially with colder months ahead, warmer clothing is needed for many. Some examples where you can donate are places such as the Canadian Diabetes Association.
Support women battling breast cancer
The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s “Gifts for the Cure” initiative features 17 real and meaningful gifts dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer. The money raised funds critical breast cancer research and important support programs for those affected by this disease. As an example, one of the gifts is The Pepper Project – one of the innovative research studies funded by CBCF looking at the development of a new anticancer drug based on substances from pepper leaves.
Carry out random acts of kindness
Whether it is running an errand for someone, paying for someone else’s meal, or walking your neighbour’s dog on a cold day, it’s the little things that continuously make someone’s day or week. Some often take those acts of kindness for granted, and when a good deed is done for us, it will always reciprocate. The world can often be a place where we put our own needs before everyone else’s, and showing a few people you have gone the extra mile to help them will make a world of difference.