Holiday hunger is a big issue that is often swept aside in favour of others. However, it is one of the bigger issues that is happening around the world and it needs to be addressed by both the wider public and lawmakers. Let’s take a closer look at what holiday hunger entails, and when it is an area that we need to change.
What is Holiday Hunger?
Many families on lower incomes have to face a battle of providing enough food to properly look after the household. Providing plenty of high-quality nutritious meals can be a challenge. It does not matter if a family has just a few people, or more that the average number, it can still be difficult to supply three meals.
Many families in this situation rely on their children’s schools to help keep them well-fed. From free school meals to breakfast clubs, there are several resources that can be drawn on to help these families out. However, when school holidays come around, this can become an issue. Many parents wonder how to keep their children well-fed. However, this means that they may not have enough food for themselves. This can prove to be especially difficult if they have jobs that require physical labour that they need energy for.
What Changes are Underway?
There have already been a few changes from various organizations to tackle holiday hunger, especially at a community level. The work of charities such as the Tej Kohli Foundation and the National Lottery have helped to set up clubs and initiatives to help feed families when schools are not in session.
In addition to this, there have been several high-profile calls to the government to extend free school meal schemes on a nationwide level in places like the UK, since it is often decided on a council-by-council basis. With movements like that of footballer Marcus Rashford, there is a growing amount of pressure on those in power to create protections against holiday hunger.
What Further Changes Need to Be Made?
There needs to be laws and political protection put in place to better help fight against holiday hunger. With so many families struggling to adequately make ends meet, there is a need for some form of legislation to change current circumstances. This is going to take a lot of work at both community and national levels to bring about the change needed regardless of where you live.
Holiday hunger is a very real issue that affects many families, and yet it is one that is rarely spoken about. More needs to be done to get rid of the stigma that can surround holiday hunger too. Many families feel that it is there burden to bear, and so they rarely reach out for help when they need it most. By changing attitudes towards holiday hunger and putting the services in place to give the support that families need, we can work towards eliminating this form of poverty.