It’s not always easy to keep the house looking perfect. We often don’t have enough time to make sure that every single piece of furniture is spotless, but with these quick and easy tips, maintaining a neat home will be a breeze!
Homemade Deodorizer
Citric acid is known to be effective at removing food odours! Did you know that you can make your very own lemon-scented air freshener? Simply dissolve 1/8 cup of baking soda into two cups of hot water and then add half a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Pour the entire mixture into a spray bottle and voilà! You have a homemade deodorizer to spritz away unwanted odors in your house.
A Clutter-Free Bathroom
If you have a small bathroom, use the “one-in, one-out” rule to keep it clutter-free. For example, every time you buy a new item, make sure to throw an old one out – the same should also apply to your wardrobe! Always make sure to finish a product before buying a new one.
Disinfect Your Cutting Boards
We regularly wash our wooden cutting boards by rinsing them with warm water and soap. Once it is used for cutting meat, poultry, or raw fish, however, you need a stronger, antibacterial cleaner. You can make your own disinfectant cleaner by mixing baking soda and water until you get a thick paste, which you will then use to scrub the board. Wait 15 minutes before rinsing, and sprinkle with salt. Finally, once the cutting board has completely dried, use a brush to remove the salt and it is ready to use again.
Protect Your Pans
If you keep your non-stick pans stacked one on top of the another when not in use, make sure to prevent the cooking surfaces from being scratched. Try slipping a flat piece of cardboard or a clean dish towel between them to help prevent this from happening.