Living off the grid is becoming less unusual and something you’ll often find more people trying – or at least attempting to try. Living off the grid is a great way to become independent, live in a way that is better for the environment, spend less money, and generally get away from it all. However, this way of living may not be for everybody. Below, you’ll find what you should know about living more off the grid:
Finding Your Own Land
If you’re serious about living off the grid, then you’ll need to find your own land. There are places you can buy land at a reasonable cost, but it’s more scarce in certain areas. You’ll need to consider where you choose to live very carefully. You’ll also need to make sure that the land you buy doesn’t have planning restrictions surrounding it. If you manage to do this, you’ll be able to build your own home using natural materials and start your new environmentally friendly life!
Connect With Other People Who Live Off the Grid
The one thing that many people who decide to live off the grid agree on is the fact that they can get a little lonely. It can be a daunting experience if you’re to be doing this for the first time. Why not go out of your way to meet like minded people so you can become part of an off the grid community? It will make day to day chores so much easier to handle knowing that you have some support if you need it.
Self Sufficient Energy
You can’t really say that you are living ‘off the grid’ if you are reliant on the national grid for your electricity. This means one of the first things you should focus on is investing in solar panels and other green energy devices. The initial investment is can be expensive, but it will pay off over time.
Find An Appropriate Water Supply
If you can install a big water tank you’ll be able to catch rainfall, which will allow you to make use of water from rivers and streams. This way, you’ll be independent of a main water supply, which is another important step in going off the grid.
Growing Your Own Food
Growing your own vegetables and adopting a more plant-based diet is also helpful when you are living off the grid. You may not be able to eliminate going to stores altogether, but you can cut down on the amount of produce you buy.
What Will You Do About Your Car?
Getting rid of your car may not be an option if you wish to live off the grid. You will likely need a way to get to where you want to go, and this is perfectly understandable. You can work towards being more eco-friendly by walking where possible, and riding a bike if you can. You’ll save a lot on your car tires and will keep your car in better shape for longer, too!
Consider A Canal Boat
Investing in a canal boat complete with solar panels is an increasingly popular way to get off the grid. These boats aren’t cheap, but they can be a very attractive option for those who wish to live differently.
*Collaborative post