Being happy is one thing, but being content is a totally different ball game. Everyone wants to be happy, but alongside the euphoric highs can come crushing lows. The key is in the balance of our emotional plane. Being happy is brilliant, but being content means securing a level of happiness that strives for being comfortable with where you are in life. Those people who only want the euphoric highs suffer from unrealistic expectations. Those who strive for contentment are will to make small tweaks to their lives to remain balanced. Take a look at how you can embark on your own pursuit of contentment below.
Social Media Detox
To be content, you have to value what you have created in your life. Do you have a home, a great career, a supportive circle of friends and a wonderful partner? These aspects of your life are fantastic assets. The emergence of social media does nothing to diminish these facets of your life, but it does set you up to fail. Unrealistic, heavily filtered images can make us focus on material items, make us feel unhappy with our cellulite, or want to partake in nothing but wheat grass smoothies even though we hate them. We compare ourselves with strangers on social media and tend to forget the wonderful, real people that we have in our lives.
It might be time to take a social media detox in an effort to retain your contentment. There’s nothing worse than spending hours of your day mindlessly scrolling through Twitter and Facebook, only to see trolling and abuse that can be depressing and heighten your levels of anxiety. Ban social media (however difficult this may be), enjoy replacing Instagram with something more worthwhile and discover a better balance within your life.
Phone friends, go out for dinner a little more, get outside, enjoy heading to the park, cycle, spend more time cooking, drawing, eating, running, or watching movies. Socialize in person, not virtually.
In the twenty first century, our lives are busier than ever. With more pressure at work, overbearing bosses and unmeetable targets, we are stressed and risk burnout. To find contentment, we need to find ways to relax. Consider juul weed products to help de-stress, go for a massage or pamper yourself with a spa weekend. Treat yourself, and take the holiday that you deserve.
If your job is becoming untenable, it might be time to make a change. While change is scary, this can be the perfect way to reevaluate your life and alter the direction of your career. Financial reward means nothing unless you are happy, content and satisfied within your role.
Being content is a hard nut to crack. However, by following this guide, taking a social media detox, finding a method of relaxation and changing up your career, you can be successful in your pursuit.
*Collaborative post