It’s the most memorable moment of your life. It’s bigger than a magical vacation or a marriage proposal from our sweetie. And even when we make that decision to create a new life, we can never anticipate the love that can come from it. Here, a few women share their most wonderful and tender-filled motherhood moments.
“I’m normally bad with dates. I can’t recall the day my son smiled for the first time, or the ones where he rolled over, crawled or even ate solid food for the first time. But I will always remember July 4th, 2012 at 7am. It was the first time I felt him moving inside me. Just extraordinary.” – Emmanuelle
“I was in the middle of my pregnancy, and even though my husband was very excited to start a family, I felt that he experienced less of the pregnancy that I did, obviously not having constant direct contact with our little boy. Despite all our attempts to get him to move inside my belly, Josef always remained rather still. On the evening of New Year’s Day, I asked my husband what his wish was for the new year. He said that he simply wanted healthy baby boy, and for all to go well for our growing family. At this moment, Josef started dancing in my belly with so much force for several minutes. Moved, my husband was completely fascinated to finally be able to feel our child’s presence. Josef’s kicks were like fireworks for us, emitting laughter and oohs and ahhs out of us.” – Audrée
“During my pregnancy, the highlight was December 31st before falling asleep. Daddy put his hand on my belly and felt the baby kick for the first time. It was a little bit like wishing him a Happy New Year, and telling his that the upcoming year was going to be memorable.” – Julie
“It goes without saying that my happiest moment was the birth of my daughter, Annabelle. When she let out her first cry and I knew everything was fine, and the doctor placed her on my body, it left me breathless. What a magical moment…The tears stopped and the magic of the first meeting came into play. It was love!” – Marie-Claude
“There were many beautiful moments, but the one that will stay with me forever, is the moment the moment the nurse put Lou on my belly, and she squirmed towards my breast. She hadn’t even opened her eyes yet, but she still wanted to stuff her face! At that moment, I knew she was really my daughter: she loved to eat, just like her mom!” – Caroline
“The most beautiful moment, one that will forever remain etched in my heart, is seeing my children for the first time. The touch…their scent…it was an immense feeling of love and happiness that overcame us.” – Carina
“Following the delivery, the most beautiful moments were those spent with my daughter, gazing into one another’s eyes. You can really feel the depth of this relationship. We would gaze at each other for long stretches of time, and it felt as if time stood still.” – Joannie
“My happiest moment following the arrival of my second princess was the night that I cuddled up with her and her big sister (who was present at the birth). When she started to cry during the night, my eldest woke up and said, “Shh, Chloe: we’re here, it’s ok.” She brought a lot of magic and love in our moments with baby Chloe.” – Julie
“The first laugh. I just witnessed it yesterday, and it was so pure and genuine, that I actually cried tears of joy! The first ultrasound is also special: not only do you hear the heart beating, but it is also proof that there is someone hiding in there, a little human being growing in your stomach. It’s a moment full of emotions: joy, excitement, but also fear about what’s to come.” – Vanessa