As an entrepreneur, it’s your responsibility to make sure that your business has the very best reputation that it can. While this sounds like an easy enough idea, the execution of it is much more complicated. We’re told to never judge a book by its cover, but most consumers ignore this philosophy when it comes to spending money. After all, customers don’t want to take a risk on a seemingly untrustworthy company. More often than not, improvements can be made to your image. With that in mind, here are ten great ways to build a good reputation for your business.
Work On Product Quality
A poorly made product can harm your business’s reputation. For this reason, strive to make the best product that you can. There are many ways to go about improving product quality, including focus group testing. This is where you gather people from your target market to test your product and listen to their feedback. If the same issue is pointed out by several different people, then you will know that you have a problem that needs resolving.
Make Your Help Available
Try as you might, you can’t please all of your customers all the time. Sooner or later, you will provide less than perfect service, leaving someone confused, frustrated, or angry. Mistakes are inevitable, but if try to resolve them, they don’t have to harm your business. This is why you must have help available to your customers. When someone has a question or complaint to make, they should be able to get immediate assistance. If they can’t, it will make the problem worse.
Talk With The Customers
Communication is key in the business world. If you don’t keep customers informed of the changes in policy, shipping times or pricing, the more frustrated they will become. You shouldn’t spam your customers, but quick updates now and then will be appreciated. Unless you communicate with your clientele, the relationship you have with them will begin to diminish.
Address Any False Rumors
Nearly every business faces a scandal at some point. The issue is, many of these scandals are not the fault of the company. When a person spreads false rumors about your company, you have to put a stop to it. Doing nothing is like admitting that the stories are true. Instead of ignoring the false information, you must work to share the truth with you consumer. This should be done in a positive, professional manner to show that your business is taking the higher ground.
Build A New Brand
A bad reputation can continue to have a serious impact on a brand, no matter how hard you work to put things right. If this happens, you might want to consider corporate rebranding. A rebrand will ensure that any negative association with your business are dispelled. However, you must change more than just the name and logo. Changes must be implemented in every aspect of the organization. This is the only way to set yourself apart from what you were before.
Treat Your Staff Well
The survival of a business doesn’t rely just on customers. The employees also play a vital role. After all, without staff to keep the company up and running, there wouldn’t be anyone to serve customers. When you treat your team well, you lessen the likelihood of losing them. This not only can reduce turnover but helps to create a solid brand too. Employees that have a positive working environment are your best brand ambassadors.
Ask For Customer Feedback
Asking a customer what they think of your business is a simple way to show that you value their input. It might also provide insights that you can then use to make improvements within your organization. This is why you should encourage feedback and reviews. Even complaints have their value, as they show you the areas in which you can improve. If you’re struggling to get feedback from customers, try offering a reward for doing so as an incentive.
Share The Company Story
Sharing the story of your company will help you to connect with customers on an emotional level. It shows that there are real people behind your venture, who are honest and caring. Show your emotion and and passion for what you are doing. This will help you to create a real bond with your customers. You can give insights into your company on social media, as well as the “about” page on your website.
Help A Worthy Cause
Being charitable shows people that your organization is conscientious and caring. Whether you offer financial or practical help, it will improve your reputation, helping you retain customers. That being said, no business should donate to charity for the recognition alone. Most customers will see right this, which can do more harm than good. Pick a charity close to your heart and help in the best way you can so that it is authentic.
Deliver What You Promised
A broken promise can break the relationships you’ve built with your customers. When you let customers down, it suggests to them that your business can’t be trusted. If you’re worried that you can’t keep the promises that you make, then stop making them. It’s much better to under-promise, and try to over-deliver than it is to deliver less. There are certain promises you must make sure you always keep, including those detailed in your company policies.
Reputation means everything to customers. If you don’t have a good one, then they won’t shop with you. Hopefully, with the advice above, you can build a good reputation for your business.
*Collaborative post