In 1905, the inaugural Santa Claus Parade debuted, courtesy of the T. Eaton Company’s (Eaton’s) sponsorship. At its outset, the parade was a modest “one-man show,” featuring Santa as the sole attraction. Fast forward 119 years, and the Original Santa Claus Parade is one of the most popular events in Toronto with 750,000 battling brisk weather to spot the 26 creative floats, enjoy the bands, marchers, celebrity clowns and to wait for the man of the hour.
“Toronto will once again come alive with the enchanting sights and sounds of this annual holiday spectacle – a beloved hallmark of the city that has been running uninterrupted since 1905,” said Clay Charters, president and CEO, the Original Santa Claus Parade. “This Parade celebrates hope, family and love, and it brings together people of all ages and backgrounds.”
Notable highlights for this year include: a brand new float starring Mrs. Claus leading the North Pole’s command centre, Santa’s reconstructed float showcasing newly animated reindeers, and the special debut of a Mother Goose float.
We had the chance to learn more and to get a sneak peek at Santa’s Workshop. Here is what you need to know:
Sunday, November 26, 2023 beginning at 12:30 pm
Original Santa Claus Parade Route:
The 5 km Holly Jolly Fun Run, with over 1,000 runners expected, will lead the way for the parade, starting at 11:45 a.m.
The Original Santa Claus Parade will start at Christie Pits, located at 750 Bloor Street West. The new route will proceed east along Bloor Street to Spadina Avenue, then continue south on Spadina Avenue, east on Harbord Street and Hoskin Avenue, then south on Queens Park Crescent and University Avenue, east on Wellington Street, and south again on Yonge Street to Front Street. From there, the Parade will head east on Front Street and finish at the St. Lawrence Market at Jarvis Street.
Where to Watch the Original Santa Claus Parade
The 119th Original Santa Claus Parade will air exclusively on CTV,, and the CTV app. Additional broadcast details to be announced at a later date.
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